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香港:最多打氣句子為香港照顧者加油——2024香港「Carer, We Care! 照顧者身心補給站」

最多打氣句子為香港照顧者加油——2024香港「Carer, We Care! 照顧者身心補給站」



2024413日,循道衛理楊震社會服務處在香港荃灣舉辦最多打氣句子為香港照顧者加油暨2024香港「Carer, We Care! 照顧者身心補給站」活動,共收集為香港照顧者加油打氣句子2024,創世界紀錄協會「最多打氣句子為香港照顧者加油」世界紀錄。

The maximum number of sentences was collected for supporting and encouraging carers of Hong Kong -- 2024 Hong Kong "Carer, We Care! Protect and recover the body and mind of carers”

On April 13, 2024, the activity of collecting sentences for supporting and encouraging carers and 2024 Hong Kong "Carer, We Care! Protect and recover the body and mind of carers” held by Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. With a total of 2024 sentences were collected for supporting and encouraging carers of Hong Kong, this set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the maximum number of sentences was collected for supporting and encouraging carers of Hong Kong in the world.







首頁    香港:最多打氣句子為香港照顧者加油——2024香港「Carer, We Care! 照顧者身心補給站」